How to shop

  1. Choose the Goods/Products you like
  2. If the Goods/Product allows it, choose a suitable variant of the Goods/Product
  3. Add it to your Cart by clicking the "Add to Cart" button
  4. To complete the purchase and to pay for the Order, click on the "Basket" button
  5. Check the contents of the basket, edit the Order, if necessary, and click the Continue button
  6. Review your payment and delivery options and click Continue
  7. Add personal data, possibly add a note for the seller, and if you are interested in registering, click the Register with e-shop option
  8. Check the summary of the Order and click the button "Order with obligation to pay"
  9. Select the payment type and make the payment. Complete the Order
  10. Wait for the confirmation e-mail with information about the delivery of the Goods/Product